Friday, January 02, 2009

belly dance rehab - day 2

I'm still motivated on day 2.... I just need to keep it up for 19 more days and it will become a habit! (that's the rule, right? 21 days to make something a habit)

I did cardio Tae Bo for an hour (worth half) and 1.25 hours of belly dance practice:
  • warm up and arms from Aziza's Ultimate Bellydance Practice Companion dvd
  • daily practice drills
  • zylls for 15 min.
  • re-learn choreography to Ramsa (hope to add zylls eventually)
  • Basic Class Combinations I from Mahsati Janan's site (she has a lot of great articles!)
  • Cool down, stretching

I'm very happy that I found the Tae Bo video on Youtube (part one is here). I most likely wouldn't buy it but I'm quite happy to do it occasionally. Thanks XxSweetLady!

Total after day 2: 3.25 hours

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