Tuesday, November 27, 2007

flog for tuesday.

breakfast - PB&J on toast, coffee
morning snack - almonds
lunch - pasta with pesto, ricotta, broccoli & sundried tomatoes (leftovers from Sunday night)
before class - black bean soup and a cornbread muffin
snack between class and troupe practice (a.k.a. dinner) - Greek fries (fries with feta cheese and Greek dressing)

walked to work
bellydance class at 6 pm
OLST practice 8-10 pm

Tuesday nights are going to be busy - I have dance class at 6 pm and then troupe practice from 8-10 pm. I rush home from work, try to eat a little something and head out to class - I'm home for about 15 minutes. There's half an hour between class and troupe so I have time to grab something, but my options are limited. Well, not really, there are a few different places to get food within a few blocks and if E. is driving to class we can always stop somewhere on the way. I'm just really preoccupied with food!

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