Tuesday, April 17, 2007


On Sunday night, the Harbourfront CC bellydance alumni met up at Layali Arabesque at Myth. The dancer, Emese, was excellent (of course!) and it was really great to get together with the girls. I was hoping that the dancer would use a shamadan for her folklore piece (the dancers do two sets: one cabaret and one folklore). A. said it was unlikely... but guess what?

Wheeeeee out came the shamadan!

Emese pulled Yasmina out on the floor to dance, since it was her birthday. There was cake too! Yasmina has some serious long blonde hair, and it was super straight (flat ironed, obviously). I was trying to decide if she has extensions...

Sorry about the poor quality pics - I didn't want to be obnoxious and use the flash, so my photos are blurry and "artistic".

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