Tuesday, February 17, 2009

belly dance rehab - day 48

  • 20 min. warm up to Tae Bo Boot camp DVD
  • 1.5 hours of the Michelle Joyce Drills! Drills! Drills! DVD
  • cool down and stretching
The Drills! DVD is tough. Especially the zylls! It's hard for me to add zylls to foot movements, so I kept the zyll pattern simple, and even then I had trouble maintaining it. And I think my glutes are gonna be sore tomorrow! LOL. Michelle does a lot of hip bumps/ups whereas I'm used to hip drops/down hips. As I get more familiar with the video, I'll probably switch them up in the drills.

I'm falling behind in my hours for the rehab, but hopefully I catch up tomorrow!

Total on Day 48: 46.75 hours

1 comment:

taeboshellie said...

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