Thursday, March 15, 2007

I have been inspired by Veg*Triathlete to post everything I eat... I find it strangely fascinating to read what she consumed and at what time. I, however, am not training for anything and have no reason to keep track of what I eat, except as an experiment. Which will grow stale quickly, I'm sure!

8 AM- coffee
10 AM - green tea & an apple
11:30 AM- small snack of almonds & dried cranberries
1:30 PM - orange
2:30 PM - sweet potato & black bean burritos with spinach and carrots
4:30 PM - earl grey tea
6:30 PM - pear & sandwich of tempeh, cheese & pickles
9 PM - cup of fruity tea
11:30 PM - toast with PB
12 PM - Step & Sculpt class (half cardio/half weights)
9:30 PM - practice bellydancing 1 hr.

Trying to flesh out the links section today... I don't seem to have a lot of knit blogs bookmarked although I spend enough time browsing them. Cosmicpluto is the only one I visit consistently, because she always has new projects - she's a machine!!

Here is one of my WIPs - my first ever toe-up socks, on 2 mm circs. I never thought I'd use such tiny needles, but it's coming along nicely. Kind of boring though, I should have added a cable or something.

Pattern: Wendy's Generic Toe-up Sock Pattern

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ha, ha! Hi Elena, I just found your link to my blog! I had no idea anybody would find my daily food intake remotely interesting... I started keeping a log when I went vegan because I was nervous about all the warnings I got. "But you won't get enough protein!" Blah, blah, blah. So I log my food intake partly so that I have a record *in case* I should need to adjust something. But I also like to make it available just to show that it's possible to fuel an active lifestyle on a vegan diet. So far the experiment has been a smashing success :-)

I admire your crafty handiwork... Maybe next winter I'll try to learn how to knit. Though I suspect my cats would make that a challenge...
